“grace of Jehovah.”
High priest, appointed as such in the year 7 BC. by Quirinus, governor of Syria.

He was deposed during the reign of Tiberius, and was followed at short intervals by Ishmael, Eleazar, son of Ananus or Annas, Simon, and Joseph Caiaphas, son-in-law of Annas (Luke 3:2; John 18:13, 24; Acts . 4:6).

Annas is supposed to be called high priest out of courtesy, having held this position. The Lord was brought before him first, perhaps because he was Caiaphas’ father-in-law.

Josephus relates that the five sons of Annas became high priests, and that under the last, who was also called Annas, James, the brother of the Lord, was martyred (Ant. 20:9, 1).

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