Born in Bethsaida, brother of Simón Pedro, and fisherman. He became part of the twelve apostles. He had been a disciple of John, but upon hearing him say “Behold the Lamb of God!”, he followed Jesus.

He immediately went to find his brother Simon to tell her that he had found the Messiah. We are told little about Andrés; He was one of those who asked the Lord separately when the destruction of the temple would take place, and what the sign would be when the things of which he had spoken would be fulfilled.

After revealing that various judgments were going to take place, the Lord added: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels who are in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13 3, 4, 32).

The Lord, as Servant-Prophet (which is the character that the spirit in Mark gives him) did not know the day.

Tradition says that Andrew dedicated himself to the work of the Lord in Scythia, Greece and Asia Minor, and that he was crucified at Patre, in Achaea, on an X-shaped cross, which is why it is called the “cross of Saint Andrew.” » (Mt. 4:18; Luke 6:14; Jn. 1:40, 44; Acts 1:13, etc.).

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