(Greek form of Hebrew “hananya”, “God is merciful”).
Names of several people, especially:

(a) Member of the primitive community of Jerusalem, died suddenly with his wife Sapphira for having withheld a part of the sale of a piece of land, pretending to have given the entire price (Acts 5:1-10) his sin was committed by lie to the Holy Spirit.

(b) Christian from Damascus who heals and baptizes Paul who had become blind (Acts 9:10-19; 22:12-16)

(c) High priest (ca. 47-59 AD), appointed as such by Herod in the year 48, presides over the trial against Paul in Jerusalem (Acts 22:30-23:10), accuses him before the procurator Felix ( Acts 24:1-9); He is murdered by enemies of Rome in 66 AD, at the beginning of the Jewish war against the Romans.

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