Name given in Heb. 9:10 to the ceremonial washings prescribed by the Law of Moses (Lev. 6:27, 28; 8:6; 11:25, 28, 40; 15:5, 6, 7, 11, etc.);
With this washing, and the passage of a period of time, the Israelite worshiper was ceremonially pure from the legal contaminations that he had contracted (through leprosy, contact with a corpse, by seminal emission, menstruation in women, or by contact with those thus contaminated. , etc., and which were an impediment to participating in the activities of the cult), and he was again fit to participate in the cult.
In the Aaronic priesthood, as well as in the Levitical ministry, there was also a provision for washing or ablutions, both for their consecration (Lev. 8:6; Num. 8:7) and in the exercise of their functions (Lev. 16:4 ; etc.). Distinction should be noted here; Aaron and his sons were washed “once” completely by Moses when they were consecrated (Ex. 40:12).
They were then required to wash only their feet and hands in the bronze laver (Ex. 40:30-32). In Num. 19 more details of the purification of the contaminated are given.
In the NT washing has a moral meaning and application.