The fourth of the minor prophets. He announced the destruction of Edom, a nation that had been hostile to Israel since time immemorial.
The book does not mention dates, but it was probably written in the latter part of the 8th century BC, during the reign of Ahaz of Judah, when Edom and the Philistines joined in battle against Judah.
The eschatological conclusion is made up of two parts (poetry in vv. 15 a-16f; prose in vv. 18-21). The identity that is seen between several verses of Jer is striking. 49:7-22 (also prophecy against Edom) and Abd. 10 (cf. especially Abd. 5 compared with Jer. 49:14-16:9; and Abd. 5 with Jer. 2:32).
The book, which consists of a single chapter, is directed against Edom, the enemy city of Jerusalem, for having allied itself with others to conspire against the city of God. Announces the coming of the day of Jehovah, who will triumph over all his enemies and establish his Kingdom on the earth.
There is a note of hope in the book, which places it in the range of the eschatological. Israel will be restored among the nations.