Are you an overcomer? Or, are you plagued by little sins that easily beset you? Even worse, are you failing in your Christian walk, but refuse to admit and address it? No Christian can afford to dismiss the call to be an overcomer.
Remember you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Fill your thoughts with the promises of God found in His Word - promises of peace, joy and freedom; promises of safety, deliverance and provisions
Our Jesus always does new. As the giver of new life, new is His calling card, and every new beginning with Him makes everything better than before. His mercies are new every morning. Join for this 31-day daily devotional journey.
God’s wisdom, shared through His committed and dedi- cated servants, has carried people through ages past full of dan- ger, through current economic and worldwide unrest, and will continue to protect and defend His children throughout eternity.
I know the deep courage it may have required to pick up this devotional. As you read these words, I want you to understand how brave you are in taking this very frst step toward freedom. I haven’t just studied food addiction and recovery; I have lived through it and overcome it.