Thomas Guthrie


Religious life is a life of burden-bearing. Fret not against your crosses, and they will be light. The yoke sits easiest on the neck of the patient ox. He feels his chain the lightest who

Thomas Guthrie

Our Record

We shall meet again all we are doing and have done. The graves shall give up their dead, and from the tombs of oblivion the past shall give up all that it holds in keeping,

Thomas Guthrie

Two Children

In the country I have often seen a little child, with her sun-browned face and long golden locks, sweet as any flower she pressed beneath her naked foot; merry as any bird that sung from

Thomas Guthrie

Hopeless Souls

While some saints enjoy a clear assurance of their salvation, and stretching toward heaven behold the land that is very far off, as seamen from their outlook descry the mountain-tops, when their bark is ploughing