God is Faithful
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; As thou hast been thou forever wilt be. God Is Faithful
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; As thou hast been thou forever wilt be. God Is Faithful
Spiritual functions often parallel physical functions. Our bodies hunger and thirst, and so do our souls! Water is an essential mineral we all need in life for refreshment of the soul and to quench our
While in our human reckoning of time, God’s answer may be slow in coming, His track record in history reminds us that He will answer, and He will deliver and bless His people in His
The question for today is, “If the Cross was once seen as a symbol of a curse, how has it become the greatest symbol of blessing for all mankind?” There Is Victory In The Cross
Through the Word of God, we can gain insight into what is happening in the spiritual realm. The Apostle James is speaking to those in the Church who have already experienced new birth in Jesus.
There once was a man who had such a speech impediment that his brother had to accompany him everywhere to be his spokesman. However, this man understood how to move the hand of God. Leaning
In order to weaken the power of the enemy in any battle we have to first bind up the strong man. Once he has been tied up, his house can then be plundered. Binding The
Is that not an astonishing avowal here in chapter 10 of Romans, a book addressed to the Gentiles and not to the Jewish people at all? That They Might Be Saved Sermon by Dr. W.
And the eunuch turned to the evangelist and said, “Of whom is the prophet speaking? Is he talking about himself or of some other man? And beginning at the same Scripture, he preached unto him
I hope, believers, your hearts are going up in prayer. What a scene lies before us! If someone had told us that a mass of people would gather to listen to the gospel, hundreds would