The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life
The Word of God is like a torch or lamp that man holds in thick darkness, and it shows him the path of life. The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life | Devotional
The Word of God is like a torch or lamp that man holds in thick darkness, and it shows him the path of life. The Word of God: Our Divine Guide in Life | Devotional
Satan had challenged God’s goodness, and the fact that God came looking for Adam and Eve, who had sinned and who had tried to hide themselves from God, is proof of his great goodness. The
When Jesus came in the flesh, the Jewish people were anticipating a conquering Messiah who would dispose of their Roman captors. Jesus tried to make clear to his disciples that his kingdom was not an
In Acts 13:47 Luke records the words of Paul and Barnabas: “For so hath the Lord commanded us saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldest be for
As Abraham pleads for Lot before the Lord God he says, “Would You destroy the righteous with the unrighteous? Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Gen. 18:25 AT). It is impossible
Revival will save a nation: it saved Judah in the days of Hezekiah; it saved England in the days of the Wesleys. Revival will save a city: it saved Nineveh in the days of Jonah;
The same Lord God promised David that he should have a Son who would reign over the house of Israel forever. The Coming King | Sermon by Dr. W. A. Criswell John 18:33–37 Pilate therefore
Paul did not accept any excuse for division but severely condemned it. The dangers that result from a break within the fellowship of a congregation are multiple and costly. Unity in Christ | Sermon by
We thank you for the manner in which your Spirit indwells the church to lead us into paths of righteousness. Lead us now as we give our tithes and offerings for the advancement of your
Gospel preaching pleases God. It is the highest calling one can have. The Pastor And His Preaching | Sermon by Dr. O. S. Hawkins High on the list of things that please God is the