Advice to Young Christians
Now we want these young converts to serve Christ. It is not too much to expect that each of you should bring twelve more. One young man came to me and said he was converted
Now we want these young converts to serve Christ. It is not too much to expect that each of you should bring twelve more. One young man came to me and said he was converted
It is the privilege of every man to live more in the future than he does in the present. John Wesley’s name is a thousand fold greater to-day than it was when he was living.
As certain as we are lost in sin, so certain can Christ gave us from our sins. He will save us if we will let Him. A story is told of Rowland Hill, the great
I don’t believe we would have had such a blessing in New York during these meetings, if it had not been for these hard times. When men get their millions, and hoard them up, I
Heaven is the place of victory and triumph. This is the battle-field; there is the triumphal procession. This is the land of the sword and the spear; that is the land of the wreath and
We ought not to look upon death as we do. Bishop Heber has written of a dead friend! “Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrow and darkness encompass
I was at the Paris exhibition in 1867, and I noticed there a little oil painting, only about a foot square, and the face was the most hideous I have ever seen. On the paper
A man told me the following story, which I have never forgotten. “When I left home my mother gave me this text: “Seek first the kingdom of God.” But I paid no heed to it.
I have spoken a great many times in New York city, but I believe that I never preached the gospel here but once. That was twelve or fifteen years ago down at the Tombs. I
I remember hearing of a boy brought up in an English almshouse. He had never learned to read or write. He only knew the letters of the alphabet. One day a man of God came