Partial or Complete Salvation
The Bible is a book that reveals the way of salvation. Jesus Christ came to be our Savior. He lived a sinless life and died in our place for our sin. He rose from the
The Bible is a book that reveals the way of salvation. Jesus Christ came to be our Savior. He lived a sinless life and died in our place for our sin. He rose from the
The seven last words of Christ have been taken from the gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion and made the subject of music and countless sermons. The Seven First Words of the Church | Sermon By
From Lifeless to Lordship | Christian Sermon by Matt Carter 1 Corinthians 13:12 Introduction Have you ever been in an environment or situation in which something you had to do was so difficult you wanted
Return to Your First Love Sermon by Paul Cannings Revelation 2:1–7 General Overview of the Passage Christ speaks to the seven churches through an angel. The identity of the angel is not completely clear. Jesus’
Safeguard the Church Matthew 16:13–19 General Overview of the Passage Along His travels, Jesus decided to stop in the middle of Caesarea Philippi, a fully functioning pagan society. The city had Greek mythological influence, pagan