A great monarch was accustomed on certain set occasions to entertain all the beggars of the city. Around him were placed his courtiers, all clothed in...
The Glorious Conqueror Christ has forever overcome all His foes, and divided the spoil upon the battle-field, and now, even at this day, is He enjoying...
Patience With Children In planting beans the old practice was to put three in each hill: one for the worm, one for the crow, and one...
The Christian’s Privilege The same Lord who hath bidden us “quit yourselves like men; be strong,” has also said, “Rejoice in the Lord alway.” The believer’s...
True Charity If men valued the truth as they do their goods and their houses, they would not regard error with such cool contentment. The cant...
Prompted By Compassion The story goes that Henry the Eighth, wandering one night in the streets of London in disguise, was met at the bridge foot...
The Object Of Our Faith Is thy faith fixed on the precious blood? Then thou art in the covenant. Canst thou read thy name in the...
Its Precious Value There is gold in the rocks which fringe the Pass of the Splugen, gold even in the stones which mend the roads, but...
A promise from God may very instructively be compared to a check payable to order. It is given to the believer with the view of bestowing...
The Prince of preachers shares his wisdom and experience with God, the great preacher makes the Word of God his delight and his source of power...