From the opening scene at Creation to the eternal daytime of Revelation, Scripture is full of glimpses of light. The Rising Light | Reflections The Lord...
Journey back with me for a moment to one of the many scenes that dem- onstrated just how ordinary Jesus’ disciples were. The Way up Is...
Whenever I travel, the first thing I do upon checking into a hotel or stopping for gas is to open the local phone book. I want...
In word we’re uncomfortable with the idea of fearing God. We defend Him as One whose love is so great He needs not be feared. Where...
The text is the last invitation in the Bible: the Spirit of God pleads with a man to come, the bride of Christ, the church, pleads...
Taking God’s assignment seriously means that I must learn to look at the world upside down, as Jesus did. Changing Perspective Like Jesus Did | Devotional...
God is identified with His Word, and the Word is identified with God; whenever I receive the Word of God, I receive God Himself. Christ the...
To us, a mystery is an enigma, a riddle, something that is beyond our understanding or finding out. The Mystery of the Church | Reflection by...
How often do you use, or hear others use, the word “grace” in conversation? It is one of the most often-used words in Christianity, but one...
There are two words that, at first glance, might not seem to go with one another: procrastination and priorities. Spiritual To-do’s Look to yourselves, that we...