Once we were children of darkness; now we are called children of light. As followers of Jesus, let us gird up the loins of our minds, and not allow our thoughts to be molded in the beliefs of this age and culture.
We have been delivered out of darkness, translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son.
With God’s grace you can renew your mind and replace fear-filled words by speaking God’s Word. Whenever you feel afraid declare, “Today, I have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind … If God be for me, who can be against me?” God is with you. He will never leave you and His plans for you are for good and not evil.

Daily Prayer
Father, thank You for comforting and assuring me of Your divine intervention as I walk this journey. I dwell, remain, and settle down under the shadow (defense, protection) of the Almighty. I abide in You and Your Word abides in me. You are my refuge, my place of protection.
You are my God, true and faithful. You are my security. You gave me a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind. In You I have discipline and self-control.
I replace feelings of insecurity with confidence, faith, and assurance. You are my great hope.
In Your name I bind my emotions to the control of the Holy Spirit and go forth with confidence. Amen.