Discover the power of prayer. All about public and private prayer. The intercessory prayer. Learn to pray to God, know the principles for effective prayer.
Prayer is something that we do as evidence of our love and worship of the Lord, but it also is a place of extreme security and empowerment. Some of the problems we face can only be solved on our knees.
Old Thomas Fuller said, “Man’s owning his weakness is the only stock for God thereon to graft the grace of his assistance.” Confession implies humility, and this, in God’s sight, is of great price.
Your obedience to God's direction and instruction for your life says that you trust and believe that He knows what's best for you, that you honor your commitment to follow Him, and that you understand that your perspective on overcoming life's challenges are limited.
Your obedience to God's direction and instruction for your life says that you trust and believe that He knows what's best for you, that you honor your commitment to follow Him, and that you understand that your perspective on overcoming life's challenges are limited.
Scripture is full of examples of those who worshipped as they came to Jesus with their requests. Jairus, one of the synagogue leaders, fell at his feet and worshipped Jesus as he presented his request for healing for his daughter (Matthew 9, Mark 5, Luke 8).
When we see the holiness of God, we will adore and magnify him. Moses had to learn the same lesson at the burning bush. God told him to remove his shoes from his feet, for the place whereon he stood was holy ground.
Daniel took his right place before God – in the dust – and he also put God in his right place. Likewise, it was when Abraham was on his face, prostrate before God, that God spoke to him. Holiness belongs to God; sinfulness belongs to us.
Adoration has been defined as the act of rendering divine honor, including in it reverence, esteem, and love. Adoration literally signifies applying the hand to the mouth, “to kiss the hand.”
Prayer and the Word are inseparably linked; power in the use of either depends upon the presence of the other. The Word gives you a subject for prayer. It shows you the path of prayer, telling you how God would have you come.
In a world where truth is under attack, few rise to defend it. But let's remember that our apathy won't be an excuse before Christ. In Revelation, we see how He rebuked the churches that tolerated falsehood. Let's do the same, bravely defend the truth.
We desperately need to recover a holy hatred of sin. We need to do this corporately as a church, but we also need to do it individually as believers. Sin is surely not a pleasant subject to study or preach on, but it is necessary.
According to medical researchers at Duke University, there is a “vicious cycle” involving insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s sort of a “which came first: the chicken or the egg?” scenario.
Daniel was a man who communicated with heaven. He prayed fervently, consistently, and for the will of God. He knew nothing of praying only before meals, at bedtime, and when he really needed God’s help.
A human being is capable of depression, otherwise there would be no capacity for exaltation. There are things that are calculated to depress, things that are of the nature of death; and in taking an estimate of yourself, always take into account the capacity for depression.