Charles Spurgeon

Christ The Key

There are many locks in my house and all with different keys, but I have one master key which opens them all. So the Lord has many treasuries and secrets all shut up from carnal

Henry Ward Beecher

Christ The Road

“I am the way.” As a road is that along which men go to their daily avocations, God chooses it to represent Himself in this universal use, this underlying support of all things. Who would

Thomas De Witt Talmage

Christ The Only Means

Ten thousand times the gate of Heaven has swung back and forth, but it never swings back and forth save as Christ opened it, and you will go in through Him or not at all.

Inspire to Soar

101 Daily Readings That Will Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Drive. In his bestselling book Soar! T.D. Jakes reveals how to build your uniquely personal vision into a special contribution to the world.

Lord, there is no one like You to Help

Then Asa . . . said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.” (2 Chronicles 14:11) Remind God of His exclusive responsibility: “There is no one like you to help.” The

Take Off

Take OffDaily devotional by T.D. Jakes He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!(Psalm 103:5, NLT) Do you remember your first time flying in a plane or even seeing