We Do Not Appreciate It
If a prince, passing by an execution, should take the malefactor’s chains, and suffer in his stead, the deed would ring through all history, and be quoted as an amazing instance of heroic pity; and
If a prince, passing by an execution, should take the malefactor’s chains, and suffer in his stead, the deed would ring through all history, and be quoted as an amazing instance of heroic pity; and
God showed His love for us in that He died for us while we were yet enemies. He showed His love for us in that He suffered for our sake. God bears us as sick
Two relationships made Jesus’ atonement successful. He was human, and therefore on our side. He was Divine, and therefore on God’s side. A righteous decree had gone forth, that because of their sins, a race
Of all God’s works, redemption through His Son’s atonement is the greatest; it is His “strange” work. That cross on Calvary, which mercy raised for you, cost more love, and labor, and wisdom, and skill,
God washes the eyes by tears until they can behold the otherwise invisible land where tears shall come no more. O, Love! O, Affliction! Ye are the guides that show us the way through the
Trouble is an apothecary that mixes a great many draughts, bitter and sour, and nauseous, and you must drink some one of them. Trouble puts up a great many packs, and you must carry some
“I have seen the characters of the writing remain on paper that the flames had turned into a film of buoyant coal; I have seen the thread that had passed through the fire retain, in
Is it dark with thee, my friend? It has been quite as dark with myself, and yet I have seen light descending on the rugged hills and making those hills as steps up to heaven.
Affliction Cements HeartsAfflictions make friendships. There was an Englishman in Chicago the winter before the fire, who was much impressed with the rapid growth of the city. He went back to Manchester where he told
Christ said that it was expedient that he should go away, because if he did not go the Comforter would not come. The Spirit; the Holy Spirit; the one who stands over against those subtle