The mass killing began early on August 24 which in the Catholic calendar is St. Bartholomew’s Day, so the bloodbath is known as the St. Bartholomew’s...
1531: In the Middle Ages most churches in Europe, especially the great cathedrals, had relics of some saint—these could be teeth, bones, pieces of clothing, a...
Satan is in the Eye-Blinding Business. The Bible warns that the “god of this age” has blinded the minds of unbelievers “lest the light of the...
The earliest, and still the best, biblical example of a steward is Joseph—the favorite son of Jacob who was sold as a slave into Egypt by...
Just as there are laws in the physical realm, so there are laws in the spiritual realm. One found in Galatians 6:7 is the universal Law...
People often try to explain the sense of these verses away by saying that the “fear” called for is a devout sense of awe and reverence....
God’s love cannot be isolated from His wrath and vice versa. Nor are His love and wrath in opposition to each other like some mystical yin-yang...
By saying “God is love,” the apostle is making a very strong statement about the character and the essence of God. It is God’s very nature...
The Old Testament story of the encounter between the armies of Israel and the Philistines were the resultant effect of incursion of the forces of Philistines...
How many times do we encounter such situations in life and feel that the challenges we are facing are insurmountable? Again, how many times we do...