The Feast Provided by the God of Grace
They are not fed with just a little food, but of the abundance of Your house – the special abundance of God’s own house! And such feasting is guaranteed by a faithful promise to all
Your daily devotional in the morning, afternoon or evening, and start a new day in contact with God
They are not fed with just a little food, but of the abundance of Your house – the special abundance of God’s own house! And such feasting is guaranteed by a faithful promise to all
His goodness is beyond our ability to comprehend, but not our ability to experience. Our hearts will take us where our heads can’t fit. Understanding is vital, but it often comes through experiencing God. We
I ’ve heard people say they don’t believe in God anymore after experiencing a disappointment or tragic loss of some sort. The Reality Of Who He Is. Daily Devotional by Bill Johnson Be Still, And
The first “Fol ow Me” had nothing mystical in it, it was an external fol owing; now it is a fol owing in internal martyrdom (cf. John 21:18). The Afterwards Of The Life Of Power.
There are times when you cannot understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings the blank space, see that you do not fil it in, but wait. Why Cannot I
Pause, my soul, and wonder! You have goings forth in the person of Jesus from the days of eternity. Not only when you were born into the world did Christ love you, but His delights
Tom Marshall shares some wonderful insights on how to love. Here is an adaption from his book Right Relationships. The Pillar of Love a daily devotional by H. Norman Wright We love because he first
Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh
Every person has pockets of under-developed resources within him or her. Your task is to search for these pockets in your spouse, discover them, and then expand them. At first what you discover may be
I want to spend some time talking about the power of God’s anointing. There is a difference between a song that is anointed and a song that is not, as well as between a sermon