Trained as a lawyer, Colson joined the Nixon staff in 1969, with the title Special Counsel. The media, which detested Nixon, detested Colson also, referring to...
Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved of the saints of the Middle Ages, but Clare of Assisi is also an appealing character. Born...
We often feel like a war is going on within us. One part of us (the inner person) wants to do what we know to be...
Making people feel guilty about anything is not God’s mode of operation. The source of guilt is the devil. He is the accuser of the brethren,...
Jesus never does anything half-way, but sometimes He does work in stages. In Mark 8, the disciples only partially understood His teachings and they didn’t fully...
We don’t know if our remaining days on earth are measured in years, months, weeks, or minutes. Our times are in His hands, and our goal...
Today is a day for a joyful and glad attitude. And that leads to a song of praise. We can have a hymn in our hearts...
Paul describes the place of beholding God as the absolute center of the new covenant we have been brought into. The impulse that drives the life...
“Have I been so long with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?”John 14:9 These words are not spoken as a rebuke, nor even with...
How You commended Your love when You whispered in my ears,“I am yours, and you are Mine” (Song of Solomon 2:16). Your speech was kind when...