God’s Peace – The Need In Life

The Psalmist gives an account the tranquility and calmness of people whose lives are governed by the Word of God and the principle of His love.

God’s Peace—The Need In Life | Devotional

Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.
Psalm 119:165

The Psalmist gives an account the tranquility and calmness of people whose lives are governed by the Word of God and the principle of His love.

These are the people who make the Word of God their rule, and their lives are ruled by His Word. They feel relaxed in life and have composure.

Though they may be in great troubles without, they enjoy great peace within. Further, great peace has those that love the Word of God, and their abundant satisfaction and pleasure comes from observing, meditating, and assimilating the Word of God.

Thus, those who love God’s Word have great peace, for it surpasses their expectation, and in it, they have a sure foundation in life. They are safe and have a place of refuge.

Nothing in His Word offends them, but rather, it is delightful to them. For those who love God’s Word, nothing shall be a scandal, snare, or stumbling block to them, but rather admire and cherish His Word.

Nothing in the Word of God seems to baffle them either in guilt or grief. No event of providence shall be either an invincible temptation or an intolerable affliction to them in that their love of the Word of God shall enable them to hold fast to their integrity in order to preserve their tranquility in all facets of life.

They will neither murmur nor quarrel with anything that God does in their life. Nothing shall offend or hurt them, for everything shall work for good to them that love God and His Word.

Job, for example, held to his integrity though buffeted by numerous afflictions in life. He never uttered a word to denigrate his God. It is said that a few years before the death of Francis Schaeffer, the great twentieth-century theologian, someone challenged him with a provocative question.

Schaeffer was battling cancer, and the whole world knew about it. He was asked how he viewed his illness. Was it against God’s will? His answer was quick and without hesitation. He said, “Who am I to question what God puts on me or what He allows in my life?”

Those in whom God’s divine love reigns in their hearts would not be apt to perplex themselves with needless doubts in life. Their state of conscience and calmness of mind is reckoned the chief point of a joyful life.

Whoever would depend upon anything else, save God Almighty, would from time to time be trembling at every little occurrence in life. However, the people who primarily have peace in life stem from the love of God’s Word—the anchor of their life.

All who lean not upon God’s Word are miserably distressed, depressed, and tormented. They are driven about to and fro by their own depraved passions or by the caprice of other men.

Those who are not devoted to God are miserable, for although they may applaud themselves for a time, they will meet with many stumbling blocks which will drive them suddenly off course.

The godly, it is true, are also tormented or distressed, however, 2 Corinthians 4:8–9 says, “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.” The power of God which resides within wipes away sorrow and enables them to overcome all stumbling blocks, for His Word which dwells within revives and reanimates them.

Thus, to love God and His Word, you are brought to the safest shore in life, and you would faint not; for the lord is your strength and peace. The Word of God, which the people of God love and uphold with reverence, empowers and guides them to fulfill their destiny joyfully in life.

Great peace which surpasses all understanding, all human wits, and all afflictions shall always attend to those who love God and His Word.

O, this day, let us reflect on the true inward peace from the prince of peace, Jesus Christ, who is exclusively the repository of everlasting peace.

This peace has eluded the world, but it is the sole prerogative for people who love God and His Word. Beloved, give God the glory! May you have His everlasting peace, not the transient peace of the world, which is of no value, and soon withers away. Amen!

Suggested further reading: Proverbs 16:7; Philippians 4:7


Father Almighty, You are my peace! Father Almighty, those whose love are set upon Your Word would have great peace, and nothing in life shall cause them to stumble. Thank You, Father, for Your Son, Jesus Christ, the fountain of my peace.

Again, thank You, Father, also for Your Word and Your Son, that through Him and by Your Word, peace reigns and rules in my heart and life. I honour and glorify You, Father. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.