Commitment and the Spiritual Life

Faith in Christ is meant to be nothing less than unceasing dependence and fellowship with Him and receiving from Him every grace the soul can possibly need.

Commitment and the Spiritual Life | Devotional

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
Ephesians 1:3?4 nkjv

I propose studying the epistle to the Ephesians with a view to discovering the New Testament standard of commitment as presented to us by the apostle Paul.

These opening words of the epistle not only give us a summary of the truth of the gospel but also reveal, out of the depths of Paul’s experience, what the true Christian life is.

As truly as the blessings are in Christ, so truly is our life in Him. Life and blessing are inseparably intertwined.

Abiding in Christ means abiding in the heavenly places and in all the spiritual blessings with which God has blessed us in Him.

Faith in Christ is meant to be nothing less than unceasing dependence and fellowship with Him and receiving from Him every grace the soul can possibly need.

As absolute and continuous as the contact with the air for my physical life, so is my soul kept in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.

This is what Scripture means by the words Christ is our life; Christ lives in me; To me to live is Christ. What riches of grace are ours!

Many confess to a lack of a deep spiritual life, and many prayers for its deepening are made. Yet there is often ignorance as to what is needed to bring a foundering Christian to a strong and joyous life in Christ.

Nothing can meet our need better than the adoring worship of the Holy Trinity. It is upon God the Father, who has blessed us in Christ Jesus that our expectations rest.

It is in Christ that blessing is to be found if we continue in close and unceasing fellowship with Him. It is through the Holy Spirit that the presence of the Father and Son in divine power can be known and experienced.

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1 nkjv).