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A Blessed Life

Cece Winans



A Blessed Life

In these tumultuous times, it’s crucial to heed God’s call for humility, prayer, seeking His face, and turning from wicked ways. This divine promise is directed to His people, urging us to be steadfast and rely on His wisdom.

A Blessed Life | CeCe Winans

Psalms 1:1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.” Those who diligently obey God will remain blessed. It’s crucial to focus on the Word of God, not worrying about popular trends.

Obedience leads to health and prosperity, like fruit-bearing trees with strong roots. God watches over His word, providing protection. There are only two paths: obedience or rebellion; there’s no middle ground.

Meditating on God’s Word helps us follow Him, leading to a fruitful life. Delighting in God’s law and meditating on it day and night makes us like trees planted by rivers, prosperous and unshaken. However, engaging with unbelievers is essential for sharing Jesus, but we must avoid imitating their sinful ways.

It’s important to recognize the deceptive notion that there’s a middle ground in serving God. Either we follow His will or we choose rebellion. Jesus emphasized this, declaring, “You’re either for me or against me.” Emotional experiences with God are powerful, but our lifestyle and actions matter beyond those moments.

Psalm 1:2-3 emphasizes delighting in the Lord’s law and constant meditation. This leads to a flourishing life, remaining unshaken in various seasons. The more we embrace obedience, the more fruitful and prosperous our lives become. On the contrary, allowing the influence of those who ridicule God to affect us leads to separation from our spiritual nourishment.


While we engage with unbelievers, it’s crucial to maintain a distinct identity, not conforming to sinful patterns. The world needs to witness Jesus through our actions and relationships. In conclusion, choosing obedience, delighting in God’s Word, and maintaining a distinct identity are key to a prosperous and impactful Christian life.

Surely, we shouldn’t engage in ungodly behavior, especially in this internet era. If anyone desires despair, spend time with mocking sinners. However, if you seek God’s blessing, befriend those who love Him and His word. Let’s be the church, turning from wicked ways, praying for one another.

God’s got it, and we don’t need to worry. Applying God’s wisdom to our lives yields good fruit and approval. Remember, are you chaff or wheat? Stand on God’s word, unmovable despite challenges.

Psalm 119 emphasizes blessings for those walking in the law of the Lord, seeking Him wholeheartedly, and avoiding iniquity. God sees all, even in the dark.

In these tumultuous times, it’s crucial to heed God’s call for humility, prayer, seeking His face, and turning from wicked ways. This divine promise is directed to His people, urging us to be steadfast and rely on His wisdom.

The world may face uncertainties, but for those grounded in God’s word, there’s assurance and strength. It’s not about perfection but a faithful commitment to living according to His principles.


Let’s not be swayed by circumstances but remain anchored in God’s unchanging truth. As Psalm 119 reminds us, the path to blessings involves walking in the ways of the Lord, seeking Him wholeheartedly, and shunning iniquity. So, let’s embrace the call to be a resilient, blessed people, standing firm on the unshakable foundation of God’s word.

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Every Eye Will See Him

Beth Moore



Every Eye Will See Him

Jesus said that the kingdom is near us, and that the kingdom is in us. Yet, our feet are not yet in it.

Every Eye Will See Him | Beth Moore

Key Scriptures: Galatians 4:4, Luke 2:6, 1 Peter 1:6-9, Hebrews 9:28, Isaiah 53:2-3, Matthew 24:30, 2 Thessalonians 1:5-7
#bethmoore #livingproofministries #betweentwoadvents

Jesus said that the kingdom is near us, and that the kingdom is in us. Yet, our feet are not yet in it. So, if you ever wonder why we are strangers in this world, it’s because our citizenship is in a different place. Here we are, and very often we don’t even speak the same language. Can anybody go there with me?

So here, the kingdom, our hearts beat for it, whether we realize it or not. That longing that you have, that you cannot identify – you know, one of the things that I tell a sister who is really struggling to stay in her marriage is that our citizenship is in a different place. Even though we have a lot of love, laughter, tears, turmoil, and absurdity in this world, our deepest longings won’t be found and satiated here.

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately. Maybe it’s because we just finished putting our Christmas stuff up a few weeks ago, and it seems like no one treats us like royalty here. We are in the world, but the world does not act like it even knows who we are.

In the beginning, time was the very first thing God created, as the Eternal realm required it for a starting point. Time relates to all things on Earth and is linear in the Bible.


The Bible sees time not as fleeting but as building, reaching a moment in time. Time, as mentioned in Revelation, is always in reference to temporal events on Earth. Hebrews 9:27 highlights the linearity of time, stating it is appointed for man to die once, then comes judgment. In Galatians 4:4, it is noted that when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son.

Time, seen as moving toward a moment, is emphasized in various biblical passages, such as Luke 2:6 and John 7:8. This understanding transforms our perspective on life, recognizing that all time is moving toward a significant moment, not just a fleeting progression.

The birth of Christ, imperative for this moment, is not the apex; rather, it paves the way for the ultimate moment when every eye will see and the kingdom will come. This profound perspective is a reminder during this time of year, encapsulating the essence of the Lord’s Prayer in anticipation of that divine moment.

All of time is ticking toward one huge scene, the manifestation and interpretation of the Son of God coming to rule in righteousness. He will write every single wrong and injustice; can I get an amen in the house tonight? We are not winding down; we are revving up because we are moving toward a time when every eye will see Him breaking through the sky. We are not running out of time; we are running to it.

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You’re Right Where You Need to Be

Priscilla Shirer



You're Right Where You Need to Be

It has always been the tactic of the enemy to get us to think that we are not enough as we currently are that what we currently have is not sufficient for the task that is before us.

You’re Right Where You Need to Be | Priscilla Shirer | Sermon
Priscilla Shirer speaks at Lakewood Church.

It has always been the tactic of the enemy to get us to think that we are not enough as we currently are that what we currently have is not sufficient for the task that is before us but if the Lord has allowed that multitude into your experience that means that as you currently are with the entrusted treasure the Power, the Authority that he has given to you you’ve got everything you need if you just pull out what he already has entrusted to you

I came to tell somebody that there is treasure hidden in these Earth and the Lies of the Enemy vessels.

I came to tell you that by God’s spirit there is gift and there is power that that has been entrusted to you that is available to you available to me as Daughters of the most high King you need to know that even if you do not believe what the scriptures declare to be true about your treasure if you don’t believe that you’ve been forgiven or that you already have the victory or that the enemy is already underneath your feet and that there is no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus or that you have been made competent by the spirit of God I came to tell you that even if you don’t believe it the enemy does he knows who you are what ashamed it would be for him to know and us not to so.

It’s time for us to open up the drawer and start pulling out the treasure the treasure we’ve been ignoring the treasure we’ve been calling insignificant the thing that we’ve said is not enough not valuable Lord if I could just be like her Lord if I could just be like that if I could just have a bit more of that if I weren’t me then Lord I’d be enough he says uhuh you have enough you just have’t open up the drawer pull out the treasure.

There is a story in Scripture that is going to be very familiar to you it’s the one that the Lord has been using in my own life to remind me about how he will compel me and he will compel us to open up the drawer and reach in.


And pull out the treasure and see what it’s like when he uses what he has already entrusted to us Luke 9 verse 1 and 2 says this and he called that’s Jesus he called somebody say he called he called he called the 12 together and he gave somebody say he gave he gave them power and he gave them authority over all demons and to heal all diseases verse two and then he sent somebody say he sent he sent them out he called them he gave them treasure and then he sent them.

out verse 10 says and then when they returned to him they gave an account to him of of everything they had done and taking them with him he withdrew by himself to a Hill Called Betha the multitudes were aware of this verse 11 says so they followed Jesus.

Because you know wherever Jesus went a crowd was sure to follow they weren’t quite sure he was the Messiah but what they did know was that when this man showed up blind people could see what they knew is that when Jesus showed up the lame could.

Walk and the deaf could hear the dead were being raised so wherever Jesus was they came the crowd followed and welcoming the multitude Jesus began speaking to them about the kingdom of God and curing those who were in need of healing verse 12 so the day starts to come to a close and the 12 come to Jesus and say now Jesus you’re going to have to send this multitude away they’ve got to go into the surrounding Villages and Countryside and find lodging they got to get something to eat Jesus come on.

Now here we’re in a desolate Place verse 13 Jesus said to them uh-uh you give them something to eat they said Jesus we have no more than Five Loaves and two fish unless perhaps you let us go and buy food for all these people CU you know we’re not enough as we are right now there were about 5,000 men.

Scholars say the reason why Luke specifies men is because there were women and children too so there were probably about 15,000 hungry people that day Jesus said have them recline to eat in groups of about 50 each so they did so had them all reclin and then he took the Five Loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed.


Them and then he broke them and he kept giving them to the disciples to set before the multitude and verse 17 says they all ate they were all satisfied and just so you know how satisfied they were they went by and picked up all the leftovers cuz there was overflow in this story we meet a hungry multitude.

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