101 Daily Readings That Will Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Drive. In his bestselling book Soar! T.D. Jakes reveals how to build your uniquely personal vision into a special contribution to the world.
T.D. Jakes say:
I’ve written Soar! Build Your Vision from the Ground Up with the young entrepreneur as well as the successful business leader in mind. I want to help you create a business that will take flight and then soar. I also want to share with you from my experiences as an entrepreneur ways to keep growing and sustaining your flight.
I use the analogy of flying because launching and running a successful business is a lot like taking off and flying. In order to fly—and start a business—you need to overcome the inherent fear of leaving the safety of solid ground to defy gravity, navigate through unexpected variables within predictable patterns, and soar.
In this book, I use the stories and information from my book Soar in bite-sized pieces, prepared in daily readings to help you digest the information regularly. I’ve included scriptures to match the themes of the readings to give you a Biblical perspective, which can further undergird you and prepare you for what is ahead.
You will see that the Wright Brothers, the inventors of the first airplane to actually take flight, are one of my favorite examples of successful entrepreneurs. What they did back in the early 1900s changed our lives forever.
Their model of innovative, relentless tenacity is one we can all glean inspiration from. These brothers made the seemingly impossible become a new reality.
And I believe that’s exactly what every entrepreneur does. So with your ideas in mind, don’t give up on creating what may seem impossible. As you work through this book, I will offer my thoughts and suggestions on this journey.
I hope to help you catch the vision, build your wings, check the weather conditions, launch, and soar to new heights.
Take Off
Look Inside
Solve a Problem
Change for Good
Face the Giants
Faith and Fear
What’s in Your Hand?
Use What You’ve Got
Count the Cost
Know the Conditions
You’re Never Too Old
Believe the Impossible
Like an Eagle
Propelled from Inside
Make It Soar
Get It Done
And More . . .