Daily prayers you can do in the morning, afternoon or at night. Christian prayers for family, marriage, healing, protection from evil, guidance, etc. and start a new day in contact with God
What a remarkable precedent for believers! One of the weapons of warfare you can use on people intent on harming you is blindness — blindness of the senses or to be more specific, reality distortion.
For any reason, anyone can be inspired or assigned to betray you and to bring you down. If you look at today's scripture, it shows one dimension of what Judas' motivation was. Here, it appears Judas was driven solely by money since he asked "What are you willing to give me if I hand Jesus over to you?"
In this daily exhortation, we're invited to affirm and receive these blessings into our lives through prayer. Let's explore each prayerful declaration, embracing the promise of fruitfulness, multiplication, dominion, and divine favor.
The words you say can fill up your life with all kinds of lovely things. In the same vein, when you work hard with your hands, you will be rewarded with income. Your mouth and your hands are in essence, instruments of blessings for your destiny.
The basic reason why Jacob wanted to marry Rachel instead of Leah was because, in his own eyes, Rachel was prettier than Leah and had a lovely figure. The Bible is packed with children of God whose good looks favored them with no strings attached.
If you are a business owner and you charge the regular price for an item but the quantity of product you are selling has been manipulated, you are committing a sin. Also, if you treat one person differently from another person for evil reasons, you are also committing a sin.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself.
Father, I know that Your Word is truth. It has authority over and above every circumstance and situation that I face. To not have confidence in Your Word is like declaring that my situation is more powerful than You are. I won’t do that.
When you love money, you will be tempted to do anything to get it. Anything! The Bible says this can cause you to wander from the faith and could lead to a life filled with many many sorrows.
God cannot forgive the unrepentant sinner. The human race is called on throughout the Bible to repent of sin and return to God. This love of God can be entirely rejected. God will not force Himself upon any man against his will.
Too often, we value all received messages equally. God’s Word, though, is more precious and valuable than any other message sent to us. The psalmist describes God’s message as “pure words” that are like silver processed “seven times” in the furnace.
Somewhere along the way, Paul learned the secret of contentment. He realized that possessions, fame, beauty, and other earthly things can be pleasant for a while, but they can never produce genuine contentment. That comes from the inside.
Jesus is the Lord of Life, and that's the topic, that's the theme of the Gospel of John, and certainly John chapter 10 which is one of the well-known passages in all of the Bible. Jesus had enemies. You know that, right? While He was loved and beloved by multitudes, many rejected Him.
This is the first mention of the Cross, although in shadow, after the Fall. The Lord told Satan through the serpent that victory would come by the Seed of the woman. Ironically, woman has no seed, with the exception of One, Who was the Lord Jesus Christ.