Priscilla Shirer Quotes

Priscilla Shirer is a renowned author, speaker, and Bible teacher known for her insightful and inspiring words. Her quotes are thought-provoking and powerful, encouraging people to deepen their relationship with God and live a purposeful life.

“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity that we plan to do only the things that we can do by ourselves.”

“God’s Word is the only thing that never falls apart—and holds us when we are falling apart.”

“The enemy wants us to feel rejected . . . left out, lonely, and less than. When we allow him to speak lies through our rejection, he pickpockets our purpose. Cripples our courage. Dismantles our dreams. And blinds us to the beauty of Christ’s powerful love.”

“We don’t get to choose our trials, but we do get to choose how we respond to them.”

“Trust is not just believing God can, it’s believing God will.”

“Sometimes the way to victory isn’t by overcoming what’s in front of us, it’s by overwhelming what’s inside of us.”

“God never gives us more than we can handle, but He often gives us more than we think we can handle.”

“If we never stepped out of our comfort zone, we’d never see just how amazing God’s grace and power are when we need them the most.”

“If you want to see a change in your life, if you want to see a change in the world, you have to first be willing to change yourself.”

“When we put our hope in God, we’re never disappointed.”

“God doesn’t always take you out of the problem. Sometimes He goes in with you.”

“It’s not what we do that makes us holy, but who we are in Christ that makes us holy.”

“The enemy will always try to take you out by attacking your identity. But you are who God says you are, not who your circumstances or feelings say you are.”

“Sometimes our greatest disappointments are God’s greatest appointments.”

“God is not in the business of wasting anything – not an experience, not a hurt, not a season. He uses it all to shape us into who He wants us to be.”

“Our obedience to God is not just about following rules. It’s about living a life that reflects His love and grace to the world around us.”

“Our purpose in life is not just to be happy or successful. It’s to glorify God and make Him known to others.”

“When we pray, we’re not just asking God to change our circumstances. We’re asking Him to change us, to align our hearts with His will.”

“The more we know God, the more we trust Him. And the more we trust Him, the more we are able to rest in His peace.”

“God’s love for us is not based on our performance or worthiness. It’s based on His character and grace.”