Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen is an American author, televangelist, and senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He’s known for his inspirational and motivational speeches that encourage people to believe in themselves and live their best lives.

Here are some of Joel Osteen’s most inspiring quotes to help you live your life to the fullest.

1. All over yours house, you should have pictures that inspire you, scripture verses that encourage you, mementoes that strengthen your faith.

2. God will finish what He started, only keep your vision in front of you

3. You can’t talk negative and expect to live a positive life. You can’t talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can’t talk lack, not enough, can’t afford it, never get ahead and expect to have abundance. If you have a poor mouth, you’re going to have a poor life.

4. Don’t have just a little vision. You’re not inconveniencing God to believe big. When you release your faith in a big way it pleases God.

Joel Osteen Quotes

5. Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying.

6. If you’ll have a big vision, God will not only do what you’re dreaming about, He will do more than you can ask or think.

7. When you go through the day saying, “I am blessed,” blessings come looking for you. “I am talented.” Talent comes looking for you. You may not feel up to par, but when you say, “I am healthy,” health starts heading your way. “I am strong.” Strength starts tracking you down. You’re inviting those things into your life.

8. His dream for your life is bigger than your own. God will supersize your vision

9. What somebody said about you doesn’t determine your destiny: God does.

10. Our attitude should be: I am approved by Almighty God. I am accepted. I am a masterpiece. When you talk like that, the seeds of greatness God has placed inside will begin to spring forth.

11. Rewards await you if you stay steadfast in your faith. Don’t let doubters ruin your optimistic spirit.

12. When negative thoughts come, the key is to never verbalize them.

123. You are where you are today in part because of what you’ve been saying about yourself. Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying. If you continue to say it, eventually that can become a reality. Whether you realize it or not, you are prophesying your future.

Joel Osteen Quotes14. When you continually talk about the problem, that’s going to only make you more discouraged, and it gives that problem more life. You’re making it bigger. Turn it around. Don’t talk about the problem; talk about the promise.

15. Take your dreams and the promises God has put in your heart and every day declare that they will come to pass.

16. Nothing will change until you make up your mind that you are not going to accept mediocrity.

17. Listen to me: you are not a child at risk; you are a child at possibility.

18. Nothing will be sadder than to come to the end of life and realize what we could have become if we had just lived with an at-possibility mind-set instead of an at-risk mentality.