Anthony George Quotes

Dr. Anthony George is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Atlanta. Anthony George is a passionate preacher whose quotes inspire individuals to prioritize their spiritual life and cultivate a fulfilling life. His wisdom promotes connection with God and encourages people to seek your help.

All things are not good, but God can bring good from all things

And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure

As christians, when people fail, we are to help them recover from failure, rebuild their broken world, and rest in God’s grace

One of the greatest blessings that God gives his children are the people he brings into our lives to help us fulfill his purpose. We are not here to do it alone. – Dr. Anthony George

God really doesn’t give us anything. He simply entrusts us to take care of it

The church is a group of imperfect people trying to encourage other imperfect people to trust in a perfect God!

When we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, he leads us to truth over lies, over philosophies, over opinions, over feelings, over the flesh, and over culture

If you want to be used by God and blessed by God to the fullest, you’ve got to know how to hear from God.

A person without any goals is a person who is paralyzed by atrophy in life. You’re not going anywhere when you stop aiming for something in the future. – Dr. Anthony George

We will be a church that never dies because we stay true to him.

There is power in prayer! God responds to our prayers! Things change because of prayer! It’s all because our great God listens when his children pray.

We can praise our way through the storms of life because God’s grace is always sufficient. If you’ve got God, you’ve got all you need.

Lord, everything I would ever give to you first came from your hand to me. If you hadn’t given it to me, I wouldn’t have it to give back to you. – Dr. Anthony George

We aren’t responsible for what we don’t have. We’re responsible for what we do have. If we’ve been blessed in great ways, then we are responsible to give in great ways.

Our job is not to conform the Bible to us. Our job is to conform us to the Bible.

We must never live with the notion that it was our idea to come to God. The reason we came to him is because He first came to us.

If God can be trusted to fulfill the promise of sending us a Messiah, He can be trusted with all other areas of our lives where there are needs.

The mark of a real man is not someone who is never afraid, but a man who can face his fears with faith. – Dr. Anthony George

God is calling on us as a church to come back to him and make him number one.

We must never choose culture’s approval over faithfulness to God.

Going forward means leaving things behind, focusing on what matters most, and taking risk. Going forward means we trust God to map out all the details.