Unto The Hills, a Daily Devotional

This book of daily devotions of Billy Graham, Unto the Hills. For years many have found encouragement and comfort in their pages.

It has been almost twenty-five years since this book was first published—years that have brought many changes to our world, and to our lives. In the midst of all these changes, however, one great reality remains unchanged—and that is the Word of God, the Bible. More than ever we need its truth, and prayer of Billy Graham is that this book will draw you closer to Christ and help you build your life upon Him every day.

Billy Graham can’t ignore his late wife’s memory, Rut, whose gift for finding the right quotation or story to illustrate the Bible’s truth is woven into almost every page. Billy say “Soon, I know, we will be reunited in the presence of the Lord she served so faithfully—but in the meantime, I dedicate this book to her memory”.

Unto The Hills, a Daily Devotional by Billy Graham
Unto The Hills, a Daily Devotional by Billy Graham

The Graham family has lived for many years in a comfortable log home in the mountains of North Carolina, 3,200 feet above sea level. There is something serene about living in the mountains or on a hill.

When Jesus appointed the twelve apostles, He called them unto the hills and they came to Him (Mark 3:13). Our Lord frequently retreated to the hills or mountains for moments of solitude when the crowds became too great.

Each devotional contains a truth that will help you move through every moment of life

As English devotional writer Oswald Chambers has noted, we were not made for mountaintop experiences alone. We are made for the valleys of life. God will sometimes allow us a view from the hills, but only so that we might be refreshed enough to return to the valleys—where the action is—that we might be of service to Him.

Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.

As much as my wife, Ruth, and I enjoyed our home in the hills of North Carolina, we spent very little time there, comment Billy, because God has called us into the valley of life where the lost people are. If we spent all of our time in the hills and on mountaintops, how would we effectively serve our God?

Billy Graham compiled some thoughts from more than fifty years as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in hopes of better equipping you as you live for Christ in the valley.

Unto The Hills has been designed for those who seek answers to problems in the valley of life, those who feel disappointed and find no satisfaction. Also to believers who seek to be inspired and challenged to live a fruitful Christian life.

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