The One Year Adventure with the God of Your Story

In this One Year devotional, join founder and voice of the Daily Audio Bible, Brian Hardin, on a journey to read it in its entirety.

The One Year Adventure with the God of Your Story by Brian Hardin

The Bible is a beautiful and divinely inspired book. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible tells the cohesive story of God’s unwillingness to be left out of the human story—your story.

In this One Year devotional, join founder and voice of the Daily Audio Bible, Brian Hardin, on a journey to read it in its entirety.

The One Year Adventure with the God of Your Story
The One Year Adventure with the God of Your Story

Brian Hardin has been podcasting the Bible to hundreds of thousands for over a decade, leading people through the whole Bible every year.

Having said all that, a final word of counsel before we begin: Look in the mirror. Look at yourself inwardly and consider how your life feels right now. Perhaps you are anxious about the future. Maybe, for the first time, you feel lost within your own being.

Perhaps the past year has brought you bloodied and limping to the Bible as a final hope. It doesn’t matter. You are here now. Right now matters.

Everything that comes next matters. Take a mental snapshot and remember this moment and how it feels. Three hundred and sixty-five days from now, you will look in the mirror and see a different person—if you show up every day.

This book comes from fourteen years of showing up every day, seven days a week, and allowing the Bible to speak as I’ve given it voice on the Daily Audio Bible. It also comes from two hard years of distilling what has come from that spoken work into written form.

I have done my best to show up and offer a pathway through the Bible that will allow irreversible change from within. The rest is in your hands. The choices you make over the next 365 days will determine the story of your year. Make the Bible a daily decision.

Now he’s putting his love of the daily reading of Scripture on to the page. In this collection of 365 readings, you’ll be surprised by how often what you read in the Bible will be a mirror into your own heart and motives.

And you’ll be delighted to understand that God is not a distant and uninterested Being. He is deeply invested in the human story and deeply in love with what He has fashioned.

God wants to know and be known by us.

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