The daily devotions consist of things God has taught me at various times, as well as specific things He was dealing with me about during the time I wrote them
My Time With God by Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer say: I writ this devotional over a period of three years, and it is a collection of encouragements that I sensed God speaking to my heart in my time with Him.

I want to share them with you, and I pray they will encourage you in your own personal devotion time with God. Some of them are longer than others; some include quotes and confessions, while others include a prayer you may want to pray.
This devotional is close to my heart simply because it is taken from my own life. The daily devotions consist of things God has taught me at various times, as well as specific things He was dealing with me about during the time I wrote them. I believe you will sense the presence of God as you take time to let Him speak to you through His Word.
In fact, this is one of my prayers for you as you jump into this devotional: that you will fully understand that God loves you completely, and He wants to have a close personal relationship with you.
So although these various entries are insights into my time with God, my intention is that they would be a starting point for you as you go deeper in your relationship with Him.
God’s Word is extremely powerful and it contains the power to renew our minds and change us into the image of Jesus Christ. I trust that as you read and study this devotional you will experience a new intimacy with our Lord.