Grace Notes pulls together 366 daily readings taken from the writings of Philip Yancey. All have been edited for length, and in addition some have undergone minor editorial changes for the sake of transition and clarity.
Grace Notes | Philip Yancey
Grace Notes pulls together 366 daily readings taken from the writings of Philip Yancey. All have been edited for length, and in addition some have undergone minor editorial changes for the sake of transition and clarity.

Readings corresponding to particular days (for example, 9/11) fall on that day, and some thematic material falls in the appropriate season (for example, political themes tend to cluster around election time, and Christmas themes appear in December).
In addition, some of the readings follow the church calendar, which introduces a problem: dates for major events in the church calendar vary from year to year.
We have arbitrarily placed such readings on an early date, so that readings related to Jesus’ death and resurrection begin on March 13 and continue through April 1.
Ideally, a reader who follows the church calendar should begin these readings two weeks before Easter, skipping ahead to later readings until that date arrives.
Similarly a reading for the ascension and a cluster of readings related to Pentecost are placed on May 5 and May 15 – 18, even though the actual days will vary from year to year.
A Descriptive Bibliography at the end of the book gives further information on the original sources for these extracts.
Sections include:
• How to rediscover God through the wonders of nature, music, and romantic love
• Why grace means you can’t do anything to make God love you more or less
• What happens when you cut through preconceptions to encounter the “real” Jesus
• How to renew your understanding and practice of prayer
• Where you can see God in unexpected people and places
• How to cope when life crashes in around you