Faith Food Devotions

Feed your faith daily! It is of utmost importance to your walk with the Lord. Kenneth Hagin written these bite-size pieces of “faith food” to aid you in making sure your faith is fed daily.

This devotional book contains a daily spiritual “diet” with verses of Scripture, bite-sized teachings, and personal confessions to “feed” the believer’s faith every day of the year.

F. F. Bosworth said, “Most Christians feed their bodies three hot meals a day and their spirits one cold snack a week, and then they wonder why they are so weak in faith.”

So feed your faith daily! It is of utmost importance to your walk with the Lord. Kenneth Hagin written these bite-size pieces of “faith food” to aid you in making sure your faith is fed daily.

Faith Food Devotions - Kenneth Hagin
Faith Food Devotions – Kenneth Hagin

The only fight the Christian is called upon to fight is the fight of faith.
If you’re in any other kind of fight, you’re in the wrong fight! There’s no need to fight the devil — Jesus has already defeated him. There’s no need fighting sin — Jesus is the cure for sin. But there is a fight (and therefore enemies, or hindrances) to faith.

The greatest enemy to faith is a lack of understanding God’s Word. In fact, all hindrances to faith center around this lack of knowledge; because you cannot believe or have faith beyond your actual knowledge of the Word of God.

Study and say the confessions found on the bottom of each page aloud. Faithfully repeat them. They are based on God’s Word.

The best resolution you can make today is that in the upcoming year, your knowledge of God’s Word will grow. Then give yourself to the study of the Word! It will automatically follow that your faith will grow. Hence, you will grow and develop spiritually.

When you hear yourself confess God’s Word, His truths will register on your spirit. And when God’s Word gets down into your spirit, He will empower your life!

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