Eddie Long was pastor of Atlanta’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will show you how to live a life of God-filled greatness and experience success—spiritually, personally, and financially. Captured in these pages is his wisdom on how to be everything that God wants us to become. And it can begin in 60 seconds.
Think about the value of 60 seconds—that’s exactly one minute of your time.
You can waste your life as you watch those seconds tick away so easily. Or you can realize that they are valuable and during those seconds your life can change.
You no longer have to live a defeated life, wondering where you’re going and what lies ahead. You can make a decision during the next 60 seconds that not only will change your life, but that decision can lead you to greatness.
Greatness? Yes, that’s exactly the word I used.

Greatness may not be fame or immense wealth. It may not mean having the world know who you are, but there are other kinds of greatness. For example, you can change your children and your children’s children and the generations that follow them. And it can all be traced back to you and the choice that you made.
Greatness starts with a choice. A decision.
You can decide to be great.
It starts when you realize the value of each 60 seconds in your life.
I want you to have a life plan and I want to help you make one that satisfies you and leads you to greatness in your life. Before you can do that, however, you need to have a personal, intimate encounter with God.
Every minute of your life can bring you one step closer to God, who promises great things. Bishop Long challenges you to prepare for the coming of these promises.
Pray for and expect prosperity—and, with his Strategic Life Plan, you can create a blueprint for success in every area of life: work, family, finances, and self-fulfillment. And the greatest gift of all: the realization of God’s plan for your life.
Full of 60-second exercises, quizzes, and affirmations, Bishop Long’s breakthrough book will challenge everything you thought you knew about transforming your life.
Eddie Long shows how to take cues from inspirational Biblical figures—from the prophet Nehemiah’s right mindset to Joseph’s work ethic. And just as Jacob and Esther did, you too can move from mediocrity to magnificence in God’s eyes.
Now you can make the most of your minutes, by being everything God wants you to be. And you can start your journey to greatness in 60 seconds.
Eddie Long say: I’m a pastor of a large church on the east side of Atlanta. I love my congregation and I want to help people and want to do anything I can to help them live that abundant life Jesus promised. I have a dream—a vision—that I want to see fulfilled.
“Bishop Eddie Long was a leader who can help you transform your life. Let him teach you how to unblock the blessings in your life and open the doors of opportunity. Greatness can be yours!”—Bishop T. D. Jakes, The Potter’s House of Dallas, Inc.
“60 Seconds to Greatness is the blueprint that shows you how to travel the road to greatness. This should be a required reading everywhere . . . ”—Warren Ballentine, nationally syndicated radio personality, author, and youth activist
“60 Seconds to Greatness is the playbook on not just how to live a better life, but the best life you can, by maximizing every minute and seizing every opportunity.”—Ray Buchanan, All-Pro NFL star