100 Days Of Favor

When you begin living with the consciousness of God’s unmerited favor, you will savor and enjoy the beautiful plan and purposes that God is unfolding in your life.

100 Days Of Favor. Daily Readings From Unmerited Favor. By Josepth Prince

In the world that we live in today, it’s so easy to forget the Lord’s unconditional love for each of us. It’s so easy to forget that the Lord Himself is personally interested in making you a success in every area of your life.

If you would simply set aside these 100 days to just immerse and saturate yourself in the unmerited favor of God, I believe with all my heart that your life will never be the same again.

100 Days Of Favor - Joseph Prince
100 Days Of Favor – Joseph Prince

Every morning as you are sitting with a warm mug of coffee in your hand, simply pick up this book.

This is an invitation to take the next 100 days as a commitment to soak yourself in the unmerited favor of God. Pull yourself away from the noise, chaos, clutter and busyness of life, and come under the refreshing waterfall of God’s favor.

When you begin living with the consciousness of God’s unmerited favor, you will savor and enjoy the beautiful plan and purposes that God is unfolding in your life.

When you focus on His grace, His favor and His love for you daily, you are putting a magnifying glass over your life and allowing Jesus’ love to beam down upon you in all its radiance, beauty and warmth.

No matter what may be happening around you, you will be anchored in the security of His perfect love, hidden in the cleft of the immovable Rock of all ages—your loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sit you at Jesus’ feet and enjoy His Word. You’ll find the stress of work, family commitments, people’s expectations and even the fear of the future melting away.

100 Days Of Favor is based on my book, Unmerited Favor. Each bite-sized, inspirational reading includes:

Today’s Scripture: A scripture that relates to the inspirational reading, giving it a biblical foundation and helping you to understand the truths presented. I encourage you to meditate on each scripture for the day. You’ll be surprised how much the Holy Spirit will open up God’s Word to you and refresh your heart!

Today’s Inspirational Excerpt From Unmerited Favor: A key truth or nugget about God’s unmerited favor that will surely equip, bless and empower you. These truths cover what God’s unmerited favor is, what it can do for you and how you can develop favor-consciousness to experience good success.

Today’s Prayer: Don’t know what or how to pray for a breakthrough? These prayers will help you express all that’s in your heart to your heavenly Father. Feel free to adapt them to your own situation. Just speak from your heart. The effective, fervent prayer of a child of God avails much. Your Father is listening!

Today’s Thought: The mind is where the real battle usually takes place. So start your day with a liberating, favor-inspired thought. The best way to guard your mind is to fill it with God’s precious thoughts toward you!

Today’s Reflection On Favor: As you prayerfully read each day’s inspirational word, take time to journal the things that the Holy Spirit brings to your attention and encourages you to meditate on. Make your personal journey into the depths of God’s unmerited favor a powerful and purposeful one!

It’s so important for you to develop a favor-consciousness in everything that you do because our human tendency is to depend on our own strengths to succeed.

It’s so easy to revert to self-effort—where we end up striving and worrying—instead of depending on God’s favor for success in all areas of our lives.

So let’s take these 100 days to completely saturate and lose ourselves in the vast beauty of His unmerited favor!

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