The Praise that Unites All

The Praise that Unites All

We see extremes brought together in praise: wild animals and kings, old and young. Young men and maids, old men and babes. How can humans be brought into the music? The Praise That Unites All

For Gaining Wisdom and Instruction

For Gaining Wisdom and Instruction

To become wise is to become a disciplined person, given not to impulsiveness but to self-examination, to circumspection, and to clear thinking. It is to become a resilient person who through hard knocks has become

The Remedy for Troubled Hearts

The Remedy for Troubled Hearts

Jesus drops a bombshell. What’s about to happen? He has been hinting at this before, but now he is explicit: one of this number will betray him. The Remedy for Troubled Hearts John 13:21 –

Timothy Keller Quotes

Timothy Keller Quotes

Timothy Keller is an American pastor, theologian, and best-selling author who has written numerous books on Christianity and is widely respected for his thoughtful and engaging approach to the faith. “The gospel is this: We