INTERPRETATION OF PROPHECY In the restricted sense of inspired prediction of the future (for a discussion of the various meanings of this term, see PROPHET), it has a unique place in the Scriptures. The question has often been raised whether predictions (and Scripture itself) should be given a literal or symbolic meaning. Very often, beneath … Read more


PROPHECY In the restricted sense of inspired prediction of the future (for a discussion of the various meanings of this term, see PROPHET), it has a unique place in the Scriptures. The Bible is essentially a prophetic word. God transcends time and space, and can speak at the same time about the past, the present … Read more


PROFANE (Heb. “halal”, Gr. “koinoõ”). These terms primarily mean “to make common.” Another gr. term. Also translated “desecrate” is “bebeloõ”, which is primarily “cross the threshold.” These terms apply to the act of transferring something sacred to common use, and are contrasted with the concept of holiness, which refers to something “separate”, consecrated for the … Read more


MAIM This verb is used in Gal. 5:12 and in Phil. 3:2, and on both occasions with respect to the professed legalistic Christians who insisted on placing Christians from the Gentiles on the ground of the law, without which, according to them, salvation was not possible. Paul speaks harshly against those who added to the … Read more


MUSIC Its origin is very ancient (Gen. 4:21). Among the Hebrews: Mary and her companions sang the praises of Jehovah to the sound of the tambourines, for having delivered the Israelites at the passage of the Red Sea (Ex. 15:20). The people sang and danced around the golden calf, celebrating pagan rites (Ex. 32:6, 18-19). … Read more


BAT (Heb «’talleph») The bat was classified with birds and declared unclean (Lev. 11:13, 19; Deut. 14:11, 12, 18). It hides in dark places and is a nocturnal creature. Tristan lists seventeen species in Palestine. It is a flying mammal, covered with hair and not feathers, with teeth instead of a beak; she breastfeeds her … Read more

MURATORI (Fragment)

MURATORI (Fragment) This is an ancient writing discovered by Ludovico Antonio Muratori (1672-1750), founder of historiographic science in Italy. The discovery took place in the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. It was found in a Latin codex of the 8th century, and Muratori himself later published it in “Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi”, III (Milan, 1740, PP. … Read more


WALL Ancient cities were generally surrounded by walls for military defense. Jericho had a double brick wall with homes built as “bridges” between the two walls (Josh. 2:15). The space between the walls constituted a “second line of defense”, but people took advantage of it for commercial activities and housing. In Old Testament times the … Read more


WORLD In the Bible this term has different meanings that are important to distinguish. (a) The universe. It is the entire world created by God, “the heavens and the earth” arising from his hands (Gen. 1: 1), which the NT designates by the name “kosmos.” God has created, by his power, all the constituent elements … Read more


PENALTY FEE It is found on several occasions that the law establishes, in the AT, a financial penalty for committing crimes. (a) For causing premature birth by inconsiderate treatment of a pregnant woman (Ex. 21:22). (b) By slander against the woman herself, by making the rumor spread against her that she was not a virgin … Read more