ABDON (a) Son of Hillel, of Pirathon, he judged Israel for eight years. He had many descendants and prosperity (Judg. 12:13-15). (b) Principal leader of the tribe of Benjamin (2 Chron. 8:23, 26, 28). (c) A Benjaminite ancestor of Saul (1 Chr. 8:30; 9:35-39). (d) Servant of King Josiah (2 Chr. 34:20). (e) Levitical city … Read more


ABDÍAS (Book) The fourth of the minor prophets. He announced the destruction of Edom, a nation that had been hostile to Israel since time immemorial. The book does not mention dates, but it was probably written in the latter part of the 8th century BC, during the reign of Ahaz of Judah, when Edom and … Read more


ABDIAS Proper name that means “worshipper or servant of the Eternal.” (a) Steward of Ahab’s house (1 Kings 18:3-16). (b) Descendant of David (1 Chr. 3:21). (c) Father of Ishmaiah, prince of Zebulun (1 Chr. 27:19). (d) Prince of Judah (2 Chr. 17:7). (e) Levite in the time of King Josiah (2 Chron. 34:12). (f) … Read more


ABBA Aramaic word that Jesus frequently uses to address the Father (Mark 14:36). The first generation Christians also used it (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6) to express a very intimate relationship between God and his children. The Lord Jesus probably used this word many times, even in some cases where the biblical passages have transmitted the … Read more


ABARIM Name given by the inhabitants of Canaan to the mountainous region located east of the Jordan River (Num. 33:47; Deut. 32:49; Jer. 22:20). It was a chain of mountains (Num. 33:47-48) that crossed the territory of Moab assigned to the tribe of Reuben. The summits of mountains Nebo, Pisgah and Peor are part of … Read more


ABANA Name of two rivers in Syria, mentioned by Naaman, the Syrian general cured by the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 25:12). The Syrian military man claims that they are crystal clear and better than all the rivers of Israel, and becomes angry with the servant of God who recommends that he bathe in the Jordan. … Read more


ABAGTA Hebrew, “dispenser of fortune.” Proper name of an official in the court of King Ahasuerus (Est. 1:10). The name is of Persian origin. The Greek historian Aeschylus mentions a certain Abagta among the servants of Xerxes I who perished with him in the battle of Salamis.


ABADDON It means “destruction” in Hebrew. It is used in Jb. 26:6 and Pr. 15:11 as the equivalent of sheol or death. In Rev. 9:11 it appears as the angel of the abyss, which in its Greek translation is Apollyon, “destroyer”.


AB Fifth month (July-August) that the Jews adopted in the post-exile era. It is not cited in the Bible, but in the texts of the Misnah and the Talmud. r It was a sad month for the Jewish calendar, due to the memory of the exile to Babylon. In this month the reeds were cut. … Read more


AARONITAS The descendants of Aaron receive this name and are designated by it in various parts of the Bible (1 Chron. 12:27; 27:17). Thirteen cities in Judah and Benjamin were assigned to the descendants of Aaron (Josh. 21:13-19; 1 Chr. 6:57-60).