LEEK (Heb. “hasir”, ordinarily means “herb”; probable meaning: “leek”, since it is among the onions and garlic consumed in Egypt. The Targum Onkelos, the LXX, the Vulgate and the Syriac Version translate “leeks”; Furthermore, in Aramaic they are called “k’sir”). It is grown in abundance in Palestine. It is only cited in Nm. 11:5 throughout … Read more


PUBLIUS Upon Paul’s arrival on the island of Malta, Publius was the main man. He extended his hospitality to the apostle and his companions for three days. Paul healed Publius’ father of his illness (Acts 28:7, 8). Inscriptions relating to Malta confirm the title of ‘chief man of the island’, which appears to have been … Read more


PUBLICANS In the Roman tax collection system, they were the subordinates who, under the direction of a Roman official, were in charge of collecting taxes and rights of passage for goods that were transported from one territory to another. The Roman official had to pay himself, so they demanded from taxpayers sums greater than those … Read more


PTOLOMEOS Name of the dynasty that reigned in Egypt, from 305 to 31 BC. Founded by Ptolemy Soter, one of Alexander the Great’s generals, it lasted until the death of Cleopatra, which took place after Augustus’ victory at the Battle of Actium. The early Ptolemies were prudent and capable princes, giving Egypt a high degree … Read more


TEST This name is given to the Jewish writings that appeared, for the most part, between the years 150 BC. and 100 AD, which were not admitted into the OT canon (see CANON). Its name is due to the fact that they give a false author name. There are other books, among the apocrypha, that … Read more


PROVINCE (Heb. and Aram. “m’dinah”, jurisdiction; Gr. “eparcheia”, government). The young “servants of the princes of the provinces” who fought under Ahab against Ben-hadad (1 Kings 20:14, 15) were not Israelites. Undoubtedly, they were in the service of the petty kings of various regions of Gilead and Hauran, and they joined Israel in resisting the … Read more


PROVIDENCE Loving and foreseeing care that God has for his creatures. God’s providence sustains and governs all creation. His operation is as extensive as the Universe and as incessant as the course of time. All his attributes take part in it. It provides the crow with its food and satisfies the needs of every living … Read more


PROVERBS (Book) Poetic book that deals with morality and piety applied to daily life. Both in the Hebrew canon and in the Greek, Latin and Spanish versions, etc., it follows the book of Psalms. The Hebrew term. “mãshãl”, translated proverbs, also denotes a maxim, enigma, satire, parable (Num. 23:7; Is. 14:4; Ezek. 17:2). A. Outline … Read more


PROSTITUTION Forbidden in Israel (Lev. 19:29; 21:9; Deut. 23:17), it was nevertheless practiced due to the relaxation of customs and the corrupting influence of paganism around (Gen. 38:21; Josh. 2:1; Judges 11:1; 16:1). The cult of the high places and the Canaanite, Babylonian, Greek, etc. temples, involved a class of “sacred prostitutes” (Gr. “hierodules”). There … Read more