Christ and Woman
You cannot get rid of Christ. You exclude Him from your schools by act of Parliament, but, passing through the midst of you, He says, “Suffer Me and the children to meet; let the flowers
You cannot get rid of Christ. You exclude Him from your schools by act of Parliament, but, passing through the midst of you, He says, “Suffer Me and the children to meet; let the flowers
Jesus calls a slanderous spirit a beam, compared with which any other mistake is a little thin splinter. Here is a man that condemns every poor creature that is overtaken in a fault. He has
The time will come when men will laugh at death. We shall one day get such a view of the universe that we shall look down upon death, and say, “O death, where is thy
Have you ever watched the deteriorating effects of sin even upon the personal appearance? Take a youth of extreme beauty, and let him, little by little, be led into wicked practices; in proportion as he
Last night I saw a faint yellow light struggling with feeble timidity against some angry clouds; they gathered against the light as if determined to shut it out; and the pale moon seemed too languid
In order to hold yourselves masters of your appetites, begin early. It is no use for a man forty-five years of age beginning to say he is going to turn over a new leaf; the
We sometimes say that punishment should be proportioned to sin. There is a sense in which that is most true and just. It is most true and just with regard to all punishment that comes
A mistake is often made about this matter of practical preaching. If a man denounce the iniquities of his day, he is thought to be a practical preacher. To a certain extent he is entitled
It is indeed pitiable, something quite absurdly vain to hear a certain kind of people making out by lame violence, which they mistake for forcible reasoning, that the Bible is an old-world book, a rag
Look at the case of your own family to-day, and your child shall come and say to you, “Give me your most precious possession.” What would be your answer to the little child? Would it