Joseph Parker

Christ and Woman

You cannot get rid of Christ. You exclude Him from your schools by act of Parliament, but, passing through the midst of you, He says, “Suffer Me and the children to meet; let the flowers

Joseph Parker

A Deadly Sin

Jesus calls a slanderous spirit a beam, compared with which any other mistake is a little thin splinter. Here is a man that condemns every poor creature that is overtaken in a fault. He has

Joseph Parker

The Effects of Sin

Have you ever watched the deteriorating effects of sin even upon the personal appearance? Take a youth of extreme beauty, and let him, little by little, be led into wicked practices; in proportion as he

Joseph Parker

Good Advice

In order to hold yourselves masters of your appetites, begin early. It is no use for a man forty-five years of age beginning to say he is going to turn over a new leaf; the