Healing Time

Healing Time

1868: On this date a political leader who grew up poor, had no formal education and was illiterate until his wife taught him to read and write, issued Proclamation 179 “granting full pardon and amnesty

Blood Brothers - J. Stephen Lang

Blood Brothers

2008: On this date Pastor Samuel Nayak stood at the entrance of his church in Orissa state, India, attempting to block the path of several hundred Hindu radicals. They slit his throat, left him for

Marriage And Carnage - J. Stephen Lang

Marriage And Carnage

The mass killing began early on August 24 which in the Catholic calendar is St. Bartholomew’s Day, so the bloodbath is known as the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. Marriage And Carnage | Devotional Bring to

Not To Be Muzzled - J. Stephen Lang

Not To Be Muzzled

1531: In the Middle Ages most churches in Europe, especially the great cathedrals, had relics of some saint—these could be teeth, bones, pieces of clothing, a sword or axe by which the saint was martyred,

Lawyer For The Lord

Lawyer For The Lord

1875: In the 1800s a region of New York State became known as the “Burnedover District” because it had experienced so many religious revivals that people realized once the excitement of a revival died down

Loving And Lovable

Loving And Lovable

1667: One of the drawbacks of a state church is that it lacks spiritual vigor while exciting things happen outside it. This was the case with the Church of England in the 1600s and 1700s

Change Of Boss

Change Of Boss

Trained as a lawyer, Colson joined the Nixon staff in 1969, with the title Special Counsel. The media, which detested Nixon, detested Colson also, referring to him as Nixon’s “hatchet man” and “evil genius.” Change

Poverty And Prayer

Poverty And Prayer

Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved of the saints of the Middle Ages, but Clare of Assisi is also an appealing character. Born in 1194, she was pressured by her wealthy family

To Worship is to Copy

To Worship is to Copy

Thomas had the duty of instructing novices in the spiritual life, and Imitation was probably a collection of books he wrote for that purpose. We know little else about the man. That is as it

Into the Abyss

Into the Abyss

In the 1800s missionaries often wore two hats: missionary and geographer. This was especially so in Africa where much of the continent had never been mapped accurately. INTO THE ABYSS They eat the bread of