His Blood Makes All Men Brothers
His Blood Makes All Men Brothers The blood of Jesus Christ makes all nations akin. Then look not for your relations in your own house or in your own sphere. Christ’s blood is stronger for
His Blood Makes All Men Brothers The blood of Jesus Christ makes all nations akin. Then look not for your relations in your own house or in your own sphere. Christ’s blood is stronger for
Like Hidden Gold The truths of the Bible are like gold in the soil. Whole generations walk over it, and know not what treasures are hidden beneath. So centuries of men pass over the Scriptures,
Do you remember the vows, pledges, and professions you made on your wedding day? If not, find them and reread them. It will be a great time of renewal. After You Say I Do is
God showed His love for us in that He died for us while we were yet enemies. He showed His love for us in that He suffered for our sake. God bears us as sick
God washes the eyes by tears until they can behold the otherwise invisible land where tears shall come no more. O, Love! O, Affliction! Ye are the guides that show us the way through the
Christ said that it was expedient that he should go away, because if he did not go the Comforter would not come. The Spirit; the Holy Spirit; the one who stands over against those subtle
Religion has been brought into the sphere of ordinary and practical things, and made to consist in the right ordering of disposition and conduct in the usual duties of life. The great duties of life
“I am the way.” As a road is that along which men go to their daily avocations, God chooses it to represent Himself in this universal use, this underlying support of all things. Who would