Feeling Not An Index Of Conversion
There are many persons whose conversion is a long and severe struggle, during which they alternate week after week, and month after month between hope and fear, who, were it not for perplexing their minds
There are many persons whose conversion is a long and severe struggle, during which they alternate week after week, and month after month between hope and fear, who, were it not for perplexing their minds
There are happy and easy souls that are buoyed up by inward hopefulness and outward prosperities, who can hardly understand the need of so much being said about God’s consolations, and who scarcely derive any
There are happy and easy souls that are buoyed up by inward hopefulness and outward prosperities, who can hardly understand the need of so much being said about God’s consolations, and who scarcely derive any
Conscience is an apartment of the soul—an apartment wonderfully constructed. It seems to be central. It is connected with every other apartment in the dwelling. On examination, however, it will be found that, for the
If I am working beside a man, and I see that he tries to shirk and shift his labor upon me, I am angry with him. But if he says to me, “I am wounded,
His Compassion The miracles of Christ were, almost all of them, mere acts of benevolence. He was poor; he had neither raiment nor money to give; and yet there was suffering round about him, and
How To Treat Children There are many persons who have heard so much of family government that they think there cannot be too much of it They imprison their children in stiff rooms, where a
Living In An Atmosphere Of Cheerfulness A man’s house should be on the hill top of cheerfulness and serenity, so high that no shadows rest upon it, and where the morning comes so early, and
The Right Motive To be praised, and to have the reputation of liberality, is the way many people have of taking interest in what they lend to the Lord. It is probable that benevolence is
Love—what It Is Love is not mere good nature. We speak of the duty of all men to be loving in disposition; to be the incarnation of love as nearly as may be; and one