The Gift of Himself

The Gift of Himself

Long ago, there ruled a wise and good king in Persia who loved his people and often dressed in the clothes of a working man or a beggar so he could visit the poor and

The Blind Demoniac - David Jeremiah

The Blind Demoniac

Satan is in the Eye-Blinding Business. The Bible warns that the “god of this age” has blinded the minds of unbelievers “lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the

To Be Found Faithful - David Jeremiah

To Be Found Faithful

The earliest, and still the best, biblical example of a steward is Joseph—the favorite son of Jacob who was sold as a slave into Egypt by his jealous brothers. To Be Found Faithful | Devotional

God’s Harvest Law - David Jeremiah

God’s Harvest Law

Just as there are laws in the physical realm, so there are laws in the spiritual realm. One found in Galatians 6:7 is the universal Law of the Harvest: “… for whatever a man sows,

Don’t Blame God

Don’t Blame God

God understands our anger, and when we pray, it’s a good thing to tell Him what we honestly feel. But sustained bitterness toward the Lord who loves us is irrational and unwise. Don’t Blame God.



In my estimation, David is the Old Testament’s greatest Overcomer. David fought a lot of battles during his life, but it’s his first we all remember best—the day he defeated the giant Goliath. OVERCOMER. By

Grace to Give

Grace to Give

How often do you use, or hear others use, the word “grace” in conversation? It is one of the most often-used words in Christianity, but one of the hardest to define. Grace To Give |

Spiritual To-Do’s

Spiritual To-Do’s

There are two words that, at first glance, might not seem to go with one another: procrastination and priorities. Spiritual To-do’s Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but

The Blind Man of Bethsaida

The Blind Man of Bethsaida

Jesus never does anything half-way, but sometimes He does work in stages. In Mark 8, the disciples only partially understood His teachings and they didn’t fully grasp what He was saying. The Blind Man Of