As courtiers are more polite in their manners than ordinary subjects, because they are more in their prince’s company, so may the society of the Lord’s...
Julius Caesar, going towards Rome with his army, and hearing that the senate and people had fled from it, said, “They that will not fight for...
Payson, when dying, expressed himself with great earnestness respecting the grace of God as exercised in saving lost men, and seemed particularly affected that it should...
Now, it is far from my mind to deny, or ever to conceal, a truth in order to create a false comfort. I freely admit that...
I hope, believers, your hearts are going up in prayer. What a scene lies before us! If someone had told us that a mass of people...
No struggling woman reached out to touch the hem of his garment, so she might be made whole. And, behold, a woman who was diseased with...
When was there a time when the Gospel of Christ did not exist? Can you point your finger to ‘a period when the religion of Jesus...
God’s name, like Himself is abiding. It is eternal. Even if the last harp of the glorified had been touched with the last fingers; if the...
In the French revolution, a young man was condemned to the guillotine, and shut up in one of the prisons. He was greatly loved by many,...
Evening by Evening is a devotional book by Charles Spurgeon, a prominent 19th-century Baptist preacher and writer. This book is a collection of 365 daily readings,...