ARABIA (a) ARABIA: Arabia means a very large country to the south, southeast and east of Palestine. In ancient times it was, and until relatively recently...
ARAD Wild donkey. Canaanite city at the southern end of Judea, which rejected the Hebrews when they tried to enter the Promised Land.
ARAMAIC (Tongue) The Aramaic language is a Semitic (northwestern) language, originally the Semitic dialect of the Aramaic tribes that around 1200 BC. They penetrated the region...
ARAMEANS Semitic ethnic group between Syria and the Euphrates, mentioned in the Amarna letters and in an inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. The Old Testament gives the...
ARARAT Toponym of a mountainous region of Armenia next to the middle course of the Araxes, where, according to Gen. 8:4, Noah’s ark settled. The Ararat...
ARAUNAH “Jehovah is firm.” From him, David bought his threshing floor and oxen to offer sacrifice to Jehovah (2 Sam. 24:16-24). He is also called Ornan...
ARCHELAUS “chief of the people” (Gr.). Son of Herod the Great with Maltace, a Samaritan woman. He succeeded his father as ethnarch of Idumea, Judea, Samaria,...
ARCHEOLOGY Archaeological science has developed greatly in the last sixty years and thanks to this today we can scientifically verify facts and statements of which the...
ARCHITECTURE “main stable” (Gr.). Teacher among the Christians in Colosse, whom Paul calls his fellow soldier and whom he exhorts to fulfill his ministry (Col. 4:17;...
AREOPAGUS (Greek, “Hill of Ares”). (a) One of the lowest hills in the western part of the Acropolis of Athens, sacred to Ares, the god of...