BETHEL is the name of a Canaanite city in the ancient region of Samaria, located in the center of the...
EPAPHRODITUS “kind, attractive.” A believer who brought gifts from Philippi to Paul. When he was with Paul in Rome, he became very seriously ill. The deep...
AARON = «master» or «excellent». Aaron, older brother of Moses, first high priest of the old law and a figure of primary importance in the events...
AARONITAS The descendants of Aaron receive this name and are designated by it in various parts of the Bible (1 Chron. 12:27; 27:17). Thirteen cities in...
AB Fifth month (July-August) that the Jews adopted in the post-exile era. It is not cited in the Bible, but in the texts of the Misnah...
ABADDON It means “destruction” in Hebrew. It is used in Jb. 26:6 and Pr. 15:11 as the equivalent of sheol or death. In Rev. 9:11 it...
ABAGTA Hebrew, “dispenser of fortune.” Proper name of an official in the court of King Ahasuerus (Est. 1:10). The name is of Persian origin. The Greek...
ABANA Name of two rivers in Syria, mentioned by Naaman, the Syrian general cured by the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 25:12). The Syrian military man claims...
ABARIM Name given by the inhabitants of Canaan to the mountainous region located east of the Jordan River (Num. 33:47; Deut. 32:49; Jer. 22:20). It was...
ABBA Aramaic word that Jesus frequently uses to address the Father (Mark 14:36). The first generation Christians also used it (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6) to express...
ABDIAS Proper name that means “worshipper or servant of the Eternal.” (a) Steward of Ahab’s house (1 Kings 18:3-16). (b) Descendant of David (1 Chr. 3:21)....