Alteration of the name “Apolonio” or “Apolodoro”. Jew born in Alexandria, eloquent and powerful in the Scriptures. Knowing only the baptism of John, he diligently taught the things of Jesus.

At Ephesus he was instructed in greater detail by Priscilla and Aquila. He worked in Corinth, after the apostle Paul, who could later say: “I planted, Apollos watered. “Later, he greatly desired that Apollos would visit Corinth again.

His name is associated with that of Paul in connection with the sectarian spirit in Corinth, which the apostle severely rebuked; but in saying that “I have presented it as an example in myself and in Apollos” (1 Cor. 4:6), it seems that the Corinthians had local leaders, among whom they placed themselves, and whom they do not name; With this he gave them a necessary lesson by establishing general principles using his own name and that of Apollos, instead of the name of his leaders (Acts 18:24; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4-22 ; 4:6; 16:12; Tit. 3:13).

It cannot at all be deduced, then, that there was a group in Corinth of followers of Apollos in opposition to Paul, but that there was division among them, which Paul sought to heal with an exhortation with a transferred example.

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