Person possessed and dominated by a demon (Mt. 4:24). Sometimes the spirit produced ordinary illnesses. The boy who had a deaf spirit suffered fits like epilepsy (Mark 9:14-29).

Hence the opinion that demonic possession was only a Judaic hypothesis to explain diseases and their effects. This point of view does not take into account that demons:
they spoke and knew more than men (Mark 1:23-24);
they recognized their own individuality (Mt. 8:31);
that Jesus recognizes their existence and instructs his disciples about them (Mark 9:29);
that the disciples reported that demons were subject to them (Lk. 10:17-20).

Even the man who was degraded and weakened by his sin was a prey to the devil (1 Sam. 16:14, 15).

For the ancient Hebrews, all illness was a consequence of sin, while for the Greeks, every sinner was sick.

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