The Apostolic Idea of Preaching

The apostolic idea of preaching was the secret of the power of the first Christian Church for many hundred years. It is historically true that Christianity did not in its beginning succeed by the force of its doctrines, but by the lives of its disciples. It succeeded first as a light, in accordance with the Master’s command.

“Let your light so shine before men that they, seeing your good works, may glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Make religion attractive by the goodness that men see in you; be so sweet, so sparkling, so buoyant, so cheerful, hopeful, courageous, conscientious and yet not stubborn, so perfectly benevolent and yet not mawkish or sentimental; blossom, ing in everything that is good, a rebuke to everything that is mean or little,—make such men of yourselves that every body who looks upon you may say, “that is a royal good fellow; he has the spirit that I should like to lean upon in time of trouble, or to be a companion with at all times.” Build up such a manhood that it shall be winning to men. That is what the early Christians did.

We are to seek to preach, not simply by our own personal experience, but by bringing together one and another m the church, and having the whole life of the church so beautiful in the community that it shall be a constant attraction to win men unceasingly to us and our influence. —BEECHER.

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